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There's quite a bit to get through but you don't need to do it all in one go. It's broken down into five sections:
  1.  Staff Code of Conduct
  2. Anti-bullying
  3. Children's Safeguarding
  4. Complain'ts Policy
  5. Completion form
You need to read and understand all the policies and what is expected from you as an instructor.
At the end you will be asked to fill in a form to acknowledge you have completed the training.
These policies are in place to protect you and the club, and to make sure we deliver a professional service and show our members how good we are at what we do. So please make sure you understand and if you have any questions ask.
Code of conduct




This behaviour code outlines the conduct we expect of all our staff and volunteers. The behaviour code aims to help us protect children and young people from abuse and reduce the possibility of unfounded allegations being made.


The role of staff and volunteers


When working with or for children and young people, you are acting in a position of trust. You are likely to be seen as a role model and must act appropriately.




You are responsible for:

• prioritising the welfare of children and young people

• providing a safe environment for children and young people

this includes ensuring equipment is used safely and for its intended purpose

this includes having good awareness of issues to do with safeguarding and child protection and taking action when appropriate

• following our principles, policies and procedures

this includes policies and procedures for child protection/safeguarding and bullying

• staying within the law at all times

• modelling good behaviour for children and young people to follow

• challenging all unacceptable behaviour and reporting any breaches of the behaviour code

• reporting all allegations/suspicions of abuse following our reporting procedures

this includes abusive behaviour being displayed by an adult or child and directed at anybody of any age.



You should:

• treat children and young people fairly and without prejudice or discrimination

• understand that children and young people are individuals with individual needs

• respect differences in gender, sexual orientation, culture, race, ethnicity,

disability and religious belief systems between yourself and others, and

appreciate that all participants bring something valuable and different to the group/organisation

• challenge discrimination and prejudice

• encourage young people and adults to speak out about attitudes or behaviour that makes them uncomfortable.




You should:

• promote relationships that are based on openness, honesty, trust and respect

• avoid favouritism

• be patient with others

• use special caution when you are discussing sensitive issues with children or young people

• ensure your contact with children and young people is appropriate and relevant to the work you are involved in

• ensure that whenever possible, there is more than one adult present during activities with children and young people

if this isn’t possible, ensure that you are within sight or hearing of other adults

if a child specifically asks for or needs some private time with you, ensure other staff or volunteers know where you and the child are

• only provide personal care in an emergency and make sure there is more than one adult present if possible.




You should:

• listen to and respect children at all times

• value and take children’s contributions seriously

• respect a young person’s right to personal privacy as far as possible

in some cases it may be necessary to break confidentiality in order to follow child protection procedures; if this is the case it is important to explain this to the child or young person at the earliest opportunity.


Unacceptable behaviour


When working with children and young people, you must not:

• allow concerns or allegations to go unreported

• take unnecessary risks

• smoke, consume alcohol or use illegal substances

• develop inappropriate relationships with children and young people

• make inappropriate promises to children and young people

• engage in behaviour that is in any way abusive

this includes having any form of sexual contact with a child or young person

• let children and young people have your personal contact details (mobile number, email or address) or have

contact with them via a personal social media account

• act in a way that can be perceived as threatening or intrusive

• patronise or belittle children and young people

• make sarcastic, insensitive, derogatory or sexually suggestive comments or gestures to or in front of children and

young people.


Upholding this code of behaviour


You should always follow this code of behavior and never rely on your reputation or that of our organisation to protect you.

If you have behaved inappropriately you will be subject to our disciplinary procedures. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, you may be asked to leave Shoden. We may also make a referral to statutory agencies such as the police and/or the local authority children’s social care department.


If you become aware of any breaches of this code, you must report them to

Sensei Jack Holdbrook or the Safeguarding officer.


Shoden martial arts & fitness will:


  • recognise its duty of care and responsibility to safeguard all participants from harm

  • promote and implement this anti-bullying policy

  • seek to ensure that bullying behaviour is not accepted or condoned

  • require all members of the organisation/club to be given information about, and sign up to, this policy

  • take action to investigate and respond to any alleged incidents of bullying

  • ensure that coaches are given access to information, guidance and/or training on bullying.


Each participant, coach, volunteer or official will:


  • respect every child’s need for, and rights to, a play environment where safety, security, praise, recognition

  • and opportunity for taking responsibility are available

  • respect the feelings and views of others

  • recognise that everyone is important and that our differences make each of us special and should be valued

  • show appreciation of others by acknowledging individual qualities, contributions and progress

  • be committed to the early identification of bullying, and prompt and collective action to deal with it

  • ensure safety by having rules and practices carefully explained and displayed for all to see

  • report incidents of bullying they see – by doing nothing you are condoning bullying.

Support to the child


  • children should know who will listen to and support them

  • systems should be established to open the door to children wishing to talk about bullying or any other issue that affects them

  • potential barriers to talking (including those associated with a child’s disability or impairment) need to be

  • identified and addressed at the outset to enable children to approach adults for help

  • anyone who reports an incident of bullying will be listened to carefully and be supported, children should have access to Helpline numbers

  • any reported incident of bullying will be investigated objectively and will involve listening carefully to all

  • those involved

  • children being bullied will be supported and assistance given to uphold their right to play and live in a safe

  • environment which allows their healthy development

  • those who bully will be supported and encouraged to stop bullying

  • sanctions for those bullying others that involve long periods of isolation, or which diminish and make individuals look or feel foolish in front of others, will be avoided.


Support to the parents/guardians


  • parents/guardians should be advised on the organisation/club’s bullying policy and practice

  • any incident of bullying will be discussed with the child’s parent(s)/guardians

  • parents will be consulted on action to be taken (for both victim and bully) and agreements made as to what

  • action should be taken

  • information and advice on coping with bullying will be made available

  • support should be offered to the parent(s) including information on other agencies or support lines (shown on our anti-bullying page of the Shoden website).


If a case of bullying is brought to your attention


• Listen sympathetically and take it seriously but do not make assumptions.

• Do not promise unconditional confidentiality; you may have to tell others in order to ensure the well-being of the victim.

• Make notes and talk to the Safeguarding officer. Agree who will take the next steps/further action.


In the case of bullying the Sensei or Safeguarding officer will:


• Record details of the incident(s) and action taken.

• Identify the nature of the incident(s) and implement appropriate strategies. These could include:

mediation by an adult

meetings with parents to ensure complementary and effective measures to support children and solve problem

• Where children do not respond to strategies and bullying is persistent or violent, sanctions will follow.


Strategies for dealing with bullying could be all or some of the following:


The emphasis is always on a caring, listening approach as bullies are often victims too – that is why they bully.

• Discussions at length with the victim. This will require patience and understanding. Remember – Listen, believe, act.

• Identify the bully/bullies. Obtain witnesses if possible. Advise the Sensei or Safeguarding officer.

• Discussions with the bully. Discuss with them the details and ask them to tell the truth about the situation/incident.


Make it clear that bullying is not acceptable at Shoden


• If they own up then follow the procedure outlined below

• If they do not own up, investigate further. If it is clear that they are lying, continue with the procedure.

Children usually own up if presented with all the facts.

• Hold separate discussions with the parents of victim and bully.

• Tell the victim that he/she must report any further instances of bullying. Tell the bully that the victim has been given this instruction. This helps to prevent recurrence.

• Sanctions for the bully may include withdrawal from classes for a period or termination of membership depending on the perceived severity of the incident(s).

• Through on-going discussions, help the bully to face and understand the consequences of his/her actions, take responsibility and move on

• Continue monitoring the situation.

• As the behaviour of the bully (hopefully) improves, then  lasses can be reinstated.

• Records of bullying incidents will be maintained



Shoden martial arts & fitness acknowledges the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

We are committed to ensuring safeguarding practice reflects statutory responsibilities, government guidance and complies with best practice and requirements of Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) Chapter 2 and the Standards for Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Sport (2001) Standard 9.


The policy recognises that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. It aims to ensure that regardless of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, socio-economic background.


Shoden martial arts wants  to ensure all children:


  • have a positive and enjoyable experience of sport at Shoden martial arts & fitness in a safe and child centred environment

  • are protected from abuse whilst participating in club activities or outside of the activity while in the care of our instructors


Shoden martial arts & fitness acknowledges that some children, including disabled children and young people or those from ethnic minority communities, can be particularly vulnerable to abuse and we accept the responsibility to take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure their welfare.  


As part of our safeguarding policy Shoden martial arts & fitness will:


  • promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children and young people

  • ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and is provided with appropriate learning opportunities to recognise, identify and respond to signs of abuse, neglect and other safeguarding concerns relating to children and young people

  • ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of incidents/concerns of abuse and support provided to the individual/s who raise or disclose the concern

  • ensure that confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored

  • prevent the employment/deployment of unsuitable individuals

  • ensure robust safeguarding arrangements and procedures are in operation


The policy and procedures will be widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in Shoden martial arts & fitness. Failure to comply with the policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organisation.




The policy will be reviewed a year after development and then every three years, or in the following circumstances:



Please watch this video

NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000

A free 24-hour service which provides counselling, information and advice to anyone concerned about a child at risk of abuse.


NSPCC Textphone (for people who are deaf or hard of hearing): 0800 056 0566 Email:


NSPCC Asian Child Protection Helpline: 0800 096 7719

(Mon–Fri 11am–7pm)


ChildLine: 0800 1111

A free 24-hour helpline for children in distress or danger


Anti-Bullying Alliance



This is the policy that we will follow if your complaint is about the service provided by Shoden martial arts & fitness. This could be related to buildings and facilities, written information, payments or anything related to the service we provide.


This is also the policy that we will follow if your complaint is about someone’s conduct or behavior. This could be because you think that someone has behaved in a way that is unsafe, unprofessional, discriminatory, offensive or intimidating. It could be because someone has broken important rules or policies.

Values and principles

You have the right to complain: we take complaints seriously. You should not be harassed, bullied or put at a disadvantage because of making a complaint.

Equality: you should receive a proper response to your complaint, regardless of your age, gender, disability, race, religion, nationality, social status, sexual orientation or political persuasion.

Fairness: we believe that complaints should be dealt with fairly and openly. Unless it would put other people at risk, those affected by a complaint should have a chance to contribute and respond to any investigation.
Safety and welfare take priority: we will always give priority to concerns that affect safety and welfare. Issues affecting children will be treated very seriously.

Confidentiality: we treat complaints as confidentially as possible.
Sometimes we have to discuss complaints with other organisations. If we are worried about a risk to a person or to the public, we might need to pass on our concerns to the right authorities. If necessary, we will get advice from other organisations such as the Police, Social Services or the UKSKO.

How to make a complaint?

If you have a complaint, it is often best to start by having a conversation with someone at the club. There are some suggestions below about who to speak to. They may be able to help to resolve your problem.

You could also make a written complaint by e-mail to
If your complaint needs to be looked into further, you will normally be asked to put your complaint in writing. We accept anonymous complaints, but it is often very difficult to investigate these properly. It is easier for us to handle your complaint if you provide as much detail as possible.

Who to contact to make a complaint?
Complaints will usually be handled by senior staff and officials. Useful contact details have been included at the
bottom of this policy.

Coaches: any of the coaches can also tell you how to make a complaint
Child Protection Officer: if you are a child, or if you are worried about the safety or welfare of a child
Anyone else involved at the club or place where you train that you trust

What will we do to investigate?

We will give an initial response to your complaint within five working days. If the matter is urgent, we will respond more quickly.

We will investigate your complaint fairly. This means that we will discuss the complaint with all of the relevant people. We will try to gather any information that may be relevant to handling your complaint.

Sometimes we will ask to show copies of information from the investigation to other people to allow them to respond. This is because we believe in fairness and openness. We will not share information if we think that this will endanger someone’s safety or welfare.

How will I know what is happening?

You will be given the details of a person who will be your point of contact at the club. That person will make sure that you understand the process, and will help to answer any questions or concerns that you have.
You will be given an update on the progress of your complaint every two weeks. If there are delays in handling your complaint for any reason, we will keep you informed. If your complaint leads to formal disciplinary action against someone, we will usually inform you about the outcome. We will not tell you the outcome if that person is a child, or if we believe that telling you would create a risk to other people. In this situation, we will still try to tell you about how you are affected by the action that we have taken.

What are the possible outcomes or results of my complaint?

In many cases, we are able to resolve problems informally. This might include:

  • A change in arrangements for particular activities

  • An explanation or apology

  • An agreement to communicate or act differently in future

  • If an informal resolution is not suitable, then a small committee of senior officials will look at the information about the case. We will try to make sure that this committee does not contain anyone directly involved with your complaint. They might decide to take the following action:​


  • Formal disciplinary action against a member of staff

  • Changes in formal contracts or arrangements put in place by the club

  • A decision to refer the case to another organisation such as the UKSKO, Police, or Social Services. Closure of your complaint without action

Is there anyone else I can talk to?

Sometimes it can be useful to speak directly to someone outside the club


  • You need urgent advice about someone’s safety or welfare - please also see our Safeguarding policy

  • You don’t want to discuss the issue with someone at the club

  • Your complaint is very serious

  • Your complaint involves other organisations

  • You need specialist advice

You made it ! Just fill in in the acknowledgement form and you are done - Thank you

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